Here's what I've figured out; we mature, yet not everything does with us. You can hold this exact same conversation with someone in 1975 or 1989, and it would probably hold up.

I spend plenty of time on things that have depth and have seen many things fail for reasons beyond the performer. Everyone has that band or artist that poor decisions decimated, because the people involved thought they had the answers.

The reality isn't going to change because of one voice, because that reality I said aloud in '21 for AEW (Tony) to stop taking their fans for granted. Their fans agreed with me. They felt just like the WWE fans that were being fed garbage during multiple eras. They have now become what they railed against; although it's not a "general manager," it's "vice presidents." It's too much mess to clean up all these titles that in the lexicon we don't know if they matter other than it was another "five star match" in a tournament to avoid lack of creative ideas. It was too many "huge announcements." Christian turned out to be great for them eventually, but now what?

This happens to every promotion. I could give a hell about Uncle Howdy, but I do know the guy in the gear is pretty talented. As Drew plays Wile E Coyote to Punk's Road Runner, and Cody prepares to be a senator, that's only the start of what went wrong there. They completely lost their focus.

However, you haven't!

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I enjoyed reading the issue. You have a distinct writing style the way you offer opinions and then support them in detail. Well done. It reminded me a lot of reading some of the pre-internet mail order newsletters I used to enjoy a long time ago that focused on straight opinion on assorted topics and not "insider" info/gossip.

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Thanks for the kind words! Absolutely agree that AEW has become what they rallied against, and the occasional good episode of Dynamite isn't going to convince me just yet. I unfortunately can't remember who said this and on what platform (so I apologize if they're reading this) but someone posited recently that the reason why AEW has faultered like this is because Tony Khan has never had to create and maintain a brand new media entity from the ground up before; AEW was a brand new concept, whereas Fullham and the Jags were already established with a working executive hierarchy and culture. The lack of experience he has with building and maintaining and growing an audience, whilst balancing that with managing and developing a new office/financial/data/admin team started showing as soon as he experienced those stormy waters in 2022. All we can do is hope he learns from these mistakes instead of brickwalling them.

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Thank you for the kind words, really means a whole lot. I'm a big fan of those sorts of newsletters and editorials too, I used to spend hours in the school library read through pages of articles and columns about not just wrestling, but music and film and whatever else was the hot button at the time. Charlie Brooker is also a big inspiration of mine, back when he used to write media opinion pieces, and would breakdown current events and popular culture for his various self-acted comedy vehicles. I have no rumours to peddle, so I'll just peddle my own thoughts instead.

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